Catching up with our listeners

Hi there,
After over two months of saying we’re going to record more podcast episodes, here we are.
We are actually, finally, definitely, going to record one today.
On behalf of Jl Applied Technologies, I would like to extend my own personal apology to our listeners for keeping you all waiting. We didn’t forget about you, but we had some technical issues to overcome, as well as and let’s all be honest here, procrastination.
This episode will be entitled “No Windows, no problem!”
Now that that’s taken care of, I would like to let everybody know that we now have a Zello channel.
If you would like to connect with us, we are willing to have a preshow chat with anybody who wishes to join.
Search for jltech and come right in, and have some fun. All we ask is that you obey the rules and respect everyone in the channel.
So with that said, we’ll be seeing you on Zello, and thanks for sticking around after so long without any news from us, we really appreciate it.

A look at the Nexus 4 from an accessibility viewpoint

After many technical issues, we’re back with episode 2 of the JL Applied Technologies podcast.

In this show, we talk about the accessibility history of Android, and what accessibility is like in Jelly Bean. We cover business for the podcast, such as a properly working Ogg feed, and the fact that there won’t be any behind the scenesĀ  episodes. (Sorry folks!)

J describes the Nexus 4 from Google. We walk you through the setup process of the Nexus.

We also explain why headphones are needed to type passwords and how to get around it.

J talks about the experience of switching from an iPhone to Android.

We speculate on the usefulness of Android in an education environment.

Comments are always welcome. You can send us an email at

or you can Follow us on Twitter.

JL Applied Technologies